
Rascal, I Am Back!

Our 1st ezine nonfiction of 2007 is Submitted for Publication at our favourite Article Bank – [] “1/01/07 Rascal’s Apostle New Year’s Day 2007 Blog - Part One - Introduction: Jamal & Marilyn Hearing”.

Good Job, Russ! I knew that location was few aim that I put up next to you, Russ.
Yeah, Rascal…. That and you don’t have any judgment … I Am Rascal, cagey guy!

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HS ~ (Holy Spirit) ~ (CEV) Psalms 119:84 I am your servant! How endless essential I suffer? When will you make somebody pay those troublemakers?

Who says that God The Holy Spirit doesn’t have a consciousness of humor, Rascal?

Not I, Russ. If everybody knows that Our God – Jesus – took ALL of Our God – The Father’s Rightful, Just Punishments – On His Own Body – For Us – Our God – The Holy Spirit – does, Russ.

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HS ~ (CEV) Isaiah 40:2 Speak charitable to Jerusalem and announce: Your thralldom is past; your price is terminated. I, the LORD, ready-made you pay multiple for your sins."

HS ~ (CEV) Isaiah 53:1 Has everyone believed us or seen the powerful driving force of the LORD in action? 2 Like a young plant or a root that sprouts in dry ground, the worker grew up obeying the LORD. He wasn't a few better-looking crowned head. Nothing around the way he looked ready-made him interesting to us. 3 He was detested and rejected; his duration was occupied near unhappiness and vile trouble. No one wanted to look at him. We unloved him and said, "He is a nobody!" 4 He suffered and endured remarkable spasm for us, but we musing his torment was penalty from God. 5 He was sufferers and pounded because of our sins; by taking our punishment, he ready-made us wholly economically. 6 All of us were resembling sheep that had wandered off. We had respectively absent our own way, but the LORD gave him the penalty we merited. 7 He was distressingly abused, but he did not kick. He was taciturn resembling a lamb self led to the butcher, as serene as a bovid having its fabric cut off. 8 He was condemned to disappearance without a antitrust enquiry. Who could have imagined what would transpire to him? His beingness was interpreted distant because of the immoral belongings my relatives had through with. 9 He wasn't untrustworthy or violent, but he was buried in a resting place of gory and rich relatives. 10 The LORD approved his worker would experience as a forfeiture to take away the sin and guiltiness of others. Now the servant will have your home to see his own biological group. He did everything the LORD had intended. 11 By suffering, the worker will cram the right pregnant of obeying the LORD. Although he is innocent, he will take the sentence for the sins of others, so that masses of them will no longest be shamefaced. 12 The LORD will reimburse him next to symbol and influence for sacrificing his existence. Others meditation he was a sinner, but he suffered for our sins and asked God to yield us.

I premonition that God – The Holy Spirit – has only just unchangeable what you said, Rascal. Yes, HE remembers - And HE has a GREAT talent of wit likewise.

Well, Russ, i don't know you had improved think what opposite “Miracles” He has done for us this then year?

Yes, Rascal… Here goes again:

On New Year’s Day – ending twelvemonth – our 16-year-old-daughter – Cassiopeia – moved in with us – “Unannounced.” Cassie stayed near us all year… What a sanction she is! Smart – Fun – Spiritual – Wise ~ Hip – Savvy – and so some more!

Well, Our “Child-Of-A Promise” Daughter –Cassie – is wonderful, Russ. What else would anticipate of The Girl that was called after “The Bride Of Christ Cassiopeia Constellation?”

Didn’t Joel bequeath an statement to that question, Rascal? And didn’t the Apostle, Paul, too?

HS ~ (CEV) Joel 2:28 Later, I will make available my Spirit to everyone. Your sons and daughters will prediction. Your old men will have dreams, and your youthful men will see visions.

Yes, they did indeed, Russ. I similar to the way another esteemed Bible version says this:


That’s Good, Rascal! And former once more – you are right: “We Are Living In The Last Days;” “All Mankind IS Having The Spirit Of God Poured Out On Them;” “My Daughter – Cassiopeia – Does Prophesy;” “I Am Seeing Visions;” “And You – Old Rascal – Are Dreaming Dreams – Old Man!”

Well, Russ, You Are Likely Delusional. Your Visions Are Of Naked Earth Angels – that You’ve pasted all over and done with our website, and you simply aforesaid I Am Dreaming Dreams because I had You To Publish “My Millionaire Dream” Series of EzineArticles.

Yes, Rascal. You are apt once again – as accustomed. Our readers will only have to discovery “Rascal’s Millionaire Dream Series” screened-off area – via the live-linked – gone consultation of our websites. So, Rascal, what other do you poorness me to say?

HS ~ (CEV) Hebrews 13:2 Be confident to response strangers into your abode. By doing this, few associates have welcomed angels as guests, in need even informed it.

I didn’t say that Naked Earth angel “Pics” are bad, Russ. You cognize the “Freedom that we savor in Christ.”

HS ~ (CEV) Galatians 2:4 We went in that because of those who false to be mass and had sneaked in among us as spies. They had come through to income away the freedom that Christ Jesus had given us, and they were maddening to brand name us their slaves.

O.K., Rascal… I Am active to convey this ezine articles ordering. Next now – I Am active to Post this original 2 surround of Rascal’s Blog. Then we are active to bed – Pardoner! We’ll survey our Blogging once we aftermath up…

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