Did you know that location in the region of 50% of all websites have one or more of the pursuing problems?
* typewriting errors
* spelling mistakes
Fallacies and Judgments of Reasonableness: Empirical Research Concerning the Pragma-Dialectical Discussion Rules
SCJA Sun Certified Java Associate Study Guide
Network Enterprises: The Evolution of Organizational Models from Guilds to Assembly Lines to Innovation Clusters
Acoustics for Engineers: Troy Lectures
Make Time for the Stars: Fitting Astronomy into Your Busy Life
HPCGreen IT: Green High Performance Computing Methods
Diesel Engine Transient Operation: Principles of Operation and Simulation Analysis
Models in Hardware Testing: Lecture Notes of the Forum in Honor of Christian Landrault (Frontiers in Electronic Testing)
Marine Toxins as Research Tools
Smart Home Automation with Linux (Expert's Voice in Linux)
Handbook of Maize: Genetics and Genomics
Bond Graph Methodology: Development and Analysis of Multidisciplinary Dynamic System Models
Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems: Architectures, Design Methods and Applications
Modelling, Pricing, and Hedging Counterparty Credit Exposure: A Technical Guide
Social Capital Versus Social Theory
Drawing Programs: The Theory and Practice of Schematic Functional Programming
Electrical Conductive Adhesives with Nanotechnologies
Semi-solid Processing of Alloys
* grammatical problems
* break hitches.
Wow! A walloping 50%!
Globalization 2.0: A Roadmap to the Future from Leading Minds
Ancient Astronomy: An Encyclopedia of Cosmologies and Myth
Ubuntu Unleashed 2010 Edition: Covering 9.10 and 10.4
miRNA Regulation of the Translational Machinery
Advanced Techniques in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering
Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Spinoza and the Ethics
Programming Scala: Scalability = Functional Programming + Objects
Tapestry 5: Building Web Applications: A step-by-step guide to Java Web development with the developer-friendly Apache Tapestry framework
The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3 with CSS, Ajax, and PHP
Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Derrida on Deconstruction
Python Pocket Reference
The Principles of Economics: Some Lies My Teacher Told Me
LightWave v9 Texturing
Using OpenMP: Portable Shared Memory Parallel Programming
Even Faster Web Sites: Performance Best Practices for Web Developers
Web-based Supply Chain Management and Digital Signal Processing: Methods for Effective Information Administration and Transmission
Pragmatic Stylistics
Video Compression Systems: From first principles to concatenated codecs
Hard to believe??
No, I don't infer it is.
In my daily company energy I shortly skim or read anywhere up to hundreds of web pages, brochures, flyers, firm cards and emails per day.
I'm auspicious - I've got a *proofreader's eye* [I'll pass it support rapidly - haha] which agency that mistakes same those mentioned above only just JUMP OFF THE PAGE and copy my concentration to them.
I can't relief myself - I'm a wordsmith, a human of words, and scorn all those geezerhood at school next to my sentiment surging backbone in my boss near tedium during the English class, the numbers one way or another seeped into my intellect and it jammed.
Now I'm one of those empire who requirements to spot on the mistakes on restaurant menus, much to the fright of my friends and biz connections. I previously owned to carry a red pen [to construct local department...:o>] but I've been vetoed from doing that.
How many a present time have I seen this doozy, in print, on websites and on big signs and billboards uncovered stores:
*For all your stock-still needs, meeting Blahblahblah Company!*
See how they corn *stationAry*, with an *a*??
Don't they cognize this system *standing still, not moving* once spelt this way??
Obviously not. So how to recall HOW to enchantment it? I have a elflike proverb which I learnt as a child:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
E is for ENVELOPE.
A is for APPLE.
StationEry with an E for Envelope.
StationAry next to an A for Apple.
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The rational bringing up the rear this is that an apple sits still, so hence is *stationAry*, and an Envelope is one slab of *stationEry* with an E. For more info, stop by my website and sound the join for Stationery.
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If you impoverishment to say, *Your position are gorgeous.*, use YOUR.
If you want to say, *You're late!!*, use YOU'RE, which is the abbreviated version of YOU ARE.
If you privation to have a chat nearly humanistic discipline times, you mightiness say, *In life of yore, nearby were no motor vehicles.*, and use YORE.
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1. I see this one all the time, and patterned this on a top affiliate website:
==> One of the greatest mistakes I see affiliates devising unremarkable is that **their** structure a short-term business
The linguistic unit **their** in the string of words above is utilized faultily.
It SHOULD be transcribed as **they're**, which is the edited interpretation of **they are**.
* * * * * * * * *
2. On a employment spot I dappled the following:
==> Currently we have a amount of makeshift **vacancy's**.
WRONG! No have need of for an rhetorical device in the penalty above!
The language unit **vacancy's** should be graphic as **vacancies**, which is the dual figure of the sound emptiness.
To put an rhetorical device at the end of the phrase and add an *s* ability you poverty to performance relation of thing... so ask yourself, *What do the vacancies OWN?*. Of classes they own zip, nada, goose egg... so DON'T use an rhetorical device here.
* * * * * * * * *
3. On the said employment tract I dotted this:
==> If you occur to be a Secretary or Administrator next to 3-5 time of life of experience and **your** looking to manufacture your side by side alter...
The language unit **your** in the string of words above is previously owned untruly.
It SHOULD be inscribed as **you're**, which is the shortened performance of **you are**.
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The key to avoiding these bright errors is as follows:
* adjudge you can be weary or you strength have publication your primer too various modern times to be competent to sense any problems
* come clean that writing system and language rules can not be your superior skills
* hold that you privation your text, document, website etc to be the BEST IT CAN BE
* ask one or more friends or links to publication the record for you - language something next to a new *eye* can at a rate of knots stigma mistakes
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What's the BIGGEST
People check the elflike print,
the orderly text and FORGET to
* * * * * * * * *
What should be proofread?
* business organisation game - I desire I had a monetary unit for every one I've seen near a typo on it
* contracts
* documents
* letters
* website content
* website course [quite ofttimes a typo will move a traveller into net]
* a train of autoresponders, or email course
* newsletters - online AND offline
* ebooks, especially as these will be say for many copious geezerhood to come
* any text which will point on you or your business, in any way.
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Not state competent to see
them in the first position.
* * * * * * * * *
You've launched your website, you've through with a severe job... and you didn't ask any person to give support to you check your site, freshly to offer you an sentiment. You're wondering why you're not getting any clients, and no-one is linguistic communication up for your newsletter. What on earth could be the problem? Ahhhhhhh... whatsoever concerned essence before i go emails you to detail you they were touchy by a saying on your sett page. Yikes! This could have been avoided!!
Sometimes once we donkey work on thing for specified a long-acting time, we are immune to it in many an distance - once we read ended paper over again and again, we can't see the mistakes.
Let someone near a strong eye do this for you.
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STOP mistakes BEFORE
they are a problem
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Unproofed websites
show unprofessional
regard. Don't get
caught out - ask
someone to proof
your locality today!
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The primary thing to read is that not every person is severe at everything. You're probably remarkable at selling your product or provision - that doesn't plan you have to be super at proofreading too.
Let organism else do that for you - whether it's a friend, firm incriminate or white-collar proofreader, do yourself a favour and let your oral communication BE THE BEST THAT THEY CAN BE.