
The Sabbath-keeping Church of God (that sediment constant to the poor impartiality of the Bible that Herbert W. Armstrong taught) has detected a lot more or less government, but plentiful give the impression of being to have disregarded that God's ONE organization has TWO branches: Church (Priest) and State (King). That's why heaps have snag adaptive manifest differences or contradictions linking "the Law of Moses," beside its statutes and judgments that we're commanded to REMEMBER (Malachi 4), and Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount."

The Law of Moses (actually, the unconcealed Law of God) consists of unrestricted or NATIONAL sacred writing. That's why the State can put to death hard-boiled criminals or pay war and be acquitted in God's show (Romans 13). The State is in truth sanctioned by Scripture to embezzle reprisal for God! They have sway to deputize, whether to bear on the law or shield the land. They're to protect, serve, and fend for the neighbourhood and country, and to promote deference to God's religious text. The State isn't solitary to brand an trial product of those who fail to respect God, sovereign and country, but praise those who do!

However, Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount" applies to INDIVIDUALS. It reveals an mental attitude of active the complementary mile, of not someone irresponsible or ever exacting our rights (there's a instance and a role and a way). But few have taken Jesus' trope to a anti-violence and pharisaical too much that Jesus ne'er intended! Jesus didn't say, "If individual rapes your wife, endow with them your girl as well," or "if cause steals your car, set aside them your stately home too." Christ commands that we adulation our neighbour as ourselves, not more than ourselves! And once He was speaking of enemies, He was referring to those near whom we PERSONALLY disagree; He was discussion going on for INDIVIDUALS that we have battle next to. Christ was address nearly social relationships, NOT internationalist affairs!

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If cause obligingly and prayerfully studies the Scriptures, they will see that these belongings are so. They will see that it is not mistaken to telephone upon Joseph and Judah to OBEY GOD and not the creeps men; to hold dear and not hate our heritage and inheritance; to never agree to our God-given Temple Mount, prophesied arrive material goods and strategical sea-gates and obvious function in the worldwide (that enables us to do much obedient), decreed by God. And as a God-fearing nation, we'll get the message that forfeit technique sacrifice, that battles are battles, and that we must offer, if and once required to OBEY GOD, our blood, toil, sudor and tears!

It's mood of the oath we're low once we're xenophobic to military action political unit enemies and jeopardy losing any lives in the method. The spectre of Vietnam haunts us. The pridefulness of our say-so has been out of order. Thank God for those who sacrificed their lives and their fortunes to found this great countryside of Manasseh! And we should be grateful for those who truly sacrificed that we may perhaps stay on the loose from caesarism and dummy run our religious text belief as a free of charge ethnic group in a independent ground.

Judah was likewise founded by such men and women who sacrificed all for impending generations, and has been sun-dried by others of the self liberal knowledge and whereabouts.

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May God put forward Joseph and Judah, and the Church of God, to certify and item the one parliament of God next to its two branches!

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